The Part D Advisors documents below contain additional information about our services. Please feel free to read and share these downloadable PDF files.

Eligibility Services from Part D Advisors

Dependent Eligibility Verification Overview

This document discusses PDA’s Dependent and Routine Eligibility Services and what sets us apart from other firms.

Protect and Recover Additional Subsidy Dollars

Reopening Overview

An overview of the RDS Reopening process and PDA’s reopening appeal service offering.

Full RDS Service Offering

PDA RDS Ongoing and Reopening Services

An overview of both the RDS Ongoing and Reopening processes and PDA’s service offering.

Reopening Procedures

Reopening Timeline and Task List

An outline of what to expect during the reopening process with estimated time frames.

Ongoing Service Menu

Retiree Drug Subsidy Application and Payment Process

A full listing of our Ongoing RDS Services and Responsibilities.

Combined Ongoing and Reopening Services Timeline

Full Retiree Drug Subsidy Administration Services Timeline

Maximize Your Past, Present and Future Subsidy Payments with PDA’s Full Service Offerings.

4 Advantages of the Retiree Drug Subsidy Program

4 Reasons Why the RDS Program is Still a Great Option for Plan Sponsors

Considering Leaving the RDS Program? Before you do, Check Out a few of the Great Benefits you’ll Lose if you Switch.

Retiree Drug Subsidy Myth vs. Fact

Three Common Misconceptions about the Retiree Drug Subsidy Program

Given the complexity of the RDS program and the new Federal regulations aimed at improving the U.S. Healthcare system, there are many myths about the RDS program, some of which we’ve dispelled here.

Public Retirement System uses Innovative Approach to Contain Costs

How Two Municipal Groups are Dealing with the Rising Cost of Retiree Healthcare

Both the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the State Wide Schools Cooperative Health Plan in New York State provide prescription drug coverage to their retirees and are saving money by utilizing the financial benefits of the Retiree Drug Subsidy program.

Operating Engineers Receives Additional Subsidy Dollars

How Operating Engineers got an Additional $1.3M in Subsidy

By engaging with Part D Advisors in the reopening process, Operating Engineers received more than a million dollars in additional subsidy for their health care plan across just two plan year applications, an increase of 18%!

How We Find More

Does a Successful Reopening Mean Someone Messed Up the First Time?

The most common question PDA gets during a reopening is why wasn’t this money found the first time around? This document explores what makes PDA so good at what we do, and why no plan sponsor could maximize their RDS payments on their own.

Your Ongoing RDS Opportunity

How Can PDA Help with my Continuing RDS Obligations?

Learn how making the transition to PDA’s ongoing support services can free up your staff from their RDS duties while maximizing your monthly RDS cash flow.

Did your Group Health Plan Get all your RDS Dollars?

PDA’s Reopening Process Means Big Money for Plan Sponsors

Learn how our experience and expertise has led to an average of 8-15% additional subsidy dollars for our clients.

Ongoing RDS Administration Requirements

RDS Application Overlap

At any given time during a plan year, a plan sponsor is likely juggling RDS requirements for as many as three applications at once as illustrated by our Ongoing RDS timeline.